
Combination Smear and HPV testing with fast turnaround times


HTS Labs offers a fast and reliable solution for medical practitioners who would like to offer their patients a dedicate service for cervical screening. 
Analysis of your patients samples, through our ISO 15189 accredited partner laboratory, is available to all women over the age of 18 years of age.

Using our service will offer your patients a combination test also known as Pap/HPV Co-Test which includes both molecular analysis for HPV (Human Papillomavirus) along with a traditional Smear (PAP) test. 
The Co-Testing approach is more likely to find abnormal cells or cervical cancer than a Smear Pap test alone.

Ordering your patients “Co-Test” through us is made easy via access to our online ordering portal. Simply go to the link that will be provided, book your patients test and provide their details, send on your samples to us and we will return your patients results electronically to you in 7-10 working days from receipt of specimens.

Histology Testing Ireland

Testing Detail

Turnaround Time – 7 Working Days
Results available through electronic integration, TrackR and via email
Testing Supplies can be provided

Contact US


Unit H9, Maynooth Business Campus, Maynooth, 
Co. Kildare W23 NY98